38 private links
Увеличивает зум камеры до 400%. Запись снимков изменена с DSC на Pict запись видео с DSC на Vid. Пакетная сьёмка теперь из 6 фотографий. Увеличение времени таймера с 20сек на 30сек. Увеличение громкости записи в видео. Увеличение качества снимков с 90% на 100%. СТАВИМ ТОЛЬКО НА СВОЙ СТРАХ И РИСК! НЕЗАБЫВАЕМ ДЕЛАТЬ КОПИИ ЗАМЕНЯЕМЫХ ФАЙЛОВ!
Обновился словарь Лингво!
ABBYY Lingvo x3 Мобильная версия - это современный универсальный мобильный словарь для 8 языков, в состав которого входит 38 словарей различных направлений: словари общей лексики, разговорники, учебные и лингвострановедческие словари.
I only post fairly stable builds to this page; if you want work-in-progress builds they're available elsewhere - primarily the forums on www.my-symbian.com.
Connecting your phone and your online life has never been easier. With ShoZu you can interact with huge list of sites and communities – from Flickr to Facebook, YouTube to Blogger, the list goes on.
Did you know that you actually have a broadcasting bus in your pocket?
V.R.C.C. (Video Remote Computer Camera) is a freeware and open source system that enables your symbian smartphone to be used as a Webcam and lets you control the smartphone from the PC.
What most people would do is travel down to their local Sony Ericsson Service Centre to get their phone and/or the accessory repaired. However, here's a tip to try before sending your phone off, as it really is a hassle to lose the phone for a day or more while they fix it.
Gruiq a vocation a proposer toutes les applications gratuites, freewares ou gratuiciels qui peuvent être lancés sur les téléphones ayant l'interface UIQ de Symbian. Pour les plus connus, il s'agit aujourd'hui des m600i, p990i, w950i, w960i, p1i, g900 de Sony Ericsson des rizr z8 et z10 de Motorola (et demain des g700, g702 et autre g902) sans oublier tous ceux de la gamme UIQ2 (p910i, etc).
Escarpod is a podcatcher for cell phones that run the UIQ graphical environment. This includes all newer phones in the Sony Ericsson P-, M- and G-series, as well as W950 and W960 and Motorola Z8 and Z10. See supported phones below for a list of phones Escarpod is known to work on.
Today I spent quite a while at the computer mall trying to find a compatible Bluetooth keyboard for my Sony Ericsson P1. I've looked online and the only keyboard that seemed to be tested and available for the P1i was this one by iGo - which coincidentally, none of the vendors stocked at the computer center.
iPhoneLock - попытка оживить интерфейс UIQ3 телефонов новым способом блокировки/разблокировки в стиле iPhone.
Since the Sony Ericsson P1 only supports the 802.11b wireless standard - which also happens to be synonymous to WEP encryption - I'm assuming the average user will set up their home network with a WEP password to stop those prying neighbours from leeching your Internet.
Мои моды/проекты для M600/P1i
This is UIQ Territory
Technology blog on Sony Ericsson's flagship product of 2007, the P1 UIQ 3 smart phone.
The ringtone maker is very easy to use. Just follow the steps:
- Press Upload, choose mp3, wma or ogg audio file and press Open.
- Place the markers to set range and clip duration.
- Press Play selected to listen to your clip.
- Change the default sound quality if you want.
- Choose and set the filters if you want.
- Press Make a Ringtone to save the file.
This information is only available for some phones. Please select a phone by clicking below.
Всем привет. Хочу поделиться опытом. Буквально 10 мин. назад отремонтировал свой телефон. Но об этом чуть позже. Начну издалека.