38 private links
Styled Live Bookmarks, bold for new unread items.Customizable tooltips for the bookmarks, name, url, keywords, description and summary for Feed items.Styled customizable feed viewer.
View Page Source in a variety of contexts.
Popups alternate texts of images or others like NetscapeCommunicator(Navigator) 4.x.
Autosizes the searchbar as you type and can clean it after submitting
Organize your search engines with separators and folders.
Automatically shows user Context Menu if text is selected.
Screen real estate is precious; let's make the most of it. Today we're going to make over the Firefox default chrome and consolidate only the stuff you need into as little space as possible so you can scroll less and see more while you surf.
Отличнейшие скрипты для Greasemonkey который на youtube.com выводит над роликом ссылки для загрузки .flv и .avi видео