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If you build WordPress sites, chances are you either know about VVV or are using it. If not, go ahead and get it set up! It is (in my opinion) the best way to handle local site development. Forget MAMP- the future is now.
A plugin applies wp_make_link_relative function to links (posts, categories, pages and etc.) to convert them to relative URLs. Useful for developers when debugging local WordPress instance on a mobile device
Code field for Advanced Custom Fields. Works with ACF versions 4 (free) and 5 (Pro). Based on the Codemirror javascript plugin.
I have a love/hate relationship with the paste plugin in TinyMCE, the JavaScript WYSIWYG editor that ships with WordPress. In recent releases TinyMCE has gotten very good at sanitizing text pasted from MS Word, but it is still much more permissive than I would like.
One of the first things you’re probably going to want to do with this new feature is customize the activation page. This is the page where users land after clicking the activation link in the activation email. This walk-through aims to demonstrate how this activation page can be completely customized.
These files are intended to be added to your WordPress theme and loaded in place of the default Gravity Forms User Registration activate.php template.
The benefit of this custom activate.php template is that the 99% of the HTML markup which exists in the original activate.php has been moved into separate template parts. This allows for much easier customization.
certainlyakey starred ionata/Gravity-Forms-Image-Select-Field
This article will outline what you need to know about WordPress and its filtering mechanism available to you via your posts administration screen.
If you’ve built a custom website using WordPress, perhaps you’ve created some pages like “Login,” “Register,” “Modify Profile” and so on. While this gives you the power to use WordPress template files, it also makes your system somewhat user-prone.
Add ACF options page support for Polylang.
GitHub - justintadlock/breadcrumb-trail: Official home of the Breadcrumb Trail plugin for WordPress.
A powerful script for adding breadcrumbs to your site that supports Schema.org, HTML5-valid microdata.
The default functions of ACF plugin (get_field, the_field, etc.) can be used to load values from a CPT Options Pages, but second parameter is required to target the CPT options.
ACF Widgets (ACFW) allows users to easily create widgets to use with ACF. With ACFW, you can easily create new widgets without touching any code. No PHP classes or dealing with the Widgets API. After you create a widget, you can assign custom fields within ACF and then use theme templates to easily show the custom fields.
This plugin brings HTML5 placeholder attribute functionality for the TinyMCE editor in WordPress. The standard placeholder in the textarea will show when viewing in text mode, this plugin adds a <label> html element that is only shown when viewing the Visual editor.
Breadcrumb NavXT, the successor to the popular WordPress plugin Breadcrumb Navigation XT, was written from the ground up to be better than its ancestor. This plugin generates locational breadcrumb trails for your WordPress powered blog or website. These breadcrumb trails are highly customizable to suit the needs of just about any website running WordPress. The Administrative interface makes setting options easy, while a direct class access is available for theme developers and more adventurous users.
We will use the hook wp_handle_upload_prefilter.
The Rewrite API for WordPress is an important feature that you probably don’t read much about, yet you’re no doubt using without even realizing it.
certainlyakey starred nextgenthemes/prism
WordPress plugin for automatic code highlighting using the Prettify library. No shortcodes, no classnames, pure awesome.