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A blog about how to crop photos creatively
What would be really handy would be if the gallery could link to one of the resized versions of the image, thus keeping the load times down for the lightbox images without the end-user having to worry about resizing images.
This plugin allows you to replace a file in your media library by uploading a new file in its place. No more deleting, renaming and re-uploading files!
This is the plugin page for Related Posts Thumbnails plugin. Plugin will add related posts thumbnails after the post. Plugin allows to customize thumbnail sizes, display settings and type of relation. Plugin is using original WordPress taxonomy. It returns generated HTML, that is essential for page load speed of blogs that use many Javascript widgets. Live example is here.
Simply put the Media-Tags plugin allow you assign tags to your uploaded media (i.e. Image, document, etc.) much like the way you assign tags to post in WordPress. The Media-Tags plugin add new fields to the Media Upload popup on the Pages and Posts editor as well as the edit form on the Media Library editor form.
Fotorama is a nice-looking javascript gallery with intuitive controls, and flawless compatibility across all computers, iPhones and any mobile devices. It’s easy to install and set up.
Automatically geocode pictures from your camera and a GPS track log.
allhollow.com is a Brooklyn, NY and Bucharest, RO established online project. it comes in a monthly bundle of posts, or issues if you will, and also delivers special projects on demand. it has permanent staff&crew; and is also open for submissions, which are clearly credited.
Интернет-магазин Ozoom (старое название Торгтехника.ру) работает на рынке с 2004 года. Нашей первоначальной специализацией была цифровая фото- и видеотехника и аксессуары к ней, Ozoom стал официальным дилером Canon, Nikon и Olympus. Со временем мы подписали договора со всеми ведущими дистрибьюторами техники и расширили ассортимент добавив мобильные телефоны, оргтехнику, ноутбуки, телевизоры, мониторы, и другую электронику.
Sony has long been a dominant player in both professional and home-video recording, and many of their point & shoot digital cameras have offered HD video recording for some time now - But their SLR lineup has until now lacked this capability. Likewise, Sony has until now sat on the sidelines in the SLD (Single-Lens Direct view) camera market, being content to let Panasonic and Olympus break the new ground there.
With the announcement of the new NEX line of SLD cameras, Sony has made a bold step in two important directions, offering both their first SLD models, and their first interchangeable-lens hybrid still/video cameras at the same time.
Я фанат метаданных. И наркоман по части карт. Неудивительно, что долгое время я искал программу, которая позволила бы мне записывать в фотографиях точные места съемок. С большим удовольствием этой весной я познакомился с приложением HoudahGeo. Большинство из утилит для геокодирования, которые мне раньше встречались, могли работать только с jpeg файлами. HoudahGeo же может работать напрямую и с PSD, и с DNG, позволяя мне оставлять данные в исходных, а не в производных файлах.
Идея записывать вместе с каждой фотографией координаты точки, в которой они сделаны, возникла еще на заре цифровой фотографии и была почти сразу реализована. Сегодня эта идея пришла в массы и обросла множеством сервисов.
GPSPhotoLinker: Geotagging photos on the Mac since 2004.
It's time to go Manual! Whether you're new to photography or just someone who likes to be reminded of the basics, you'll definitely appreciate this Manual Photography Cheat Sheet.
FancyBox is a tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style "lightbox" that floats overtop of web page.
A highly customizable gallery/showcase plugin for jQuery. [Used on MSK-Remontik]
Here's a quick and easy image editing tip to improve the detail of your photos without adding a bunch of noise.
Коллективный блог о фотографии, искусстве и кино
You don’t need a fancy-pants DSLR, a gazillion megapixels and a lens as long as your arm to take great pictures, as this stunning set of iPhone photographs proves.We’ve collected ten amazing snaps by iPhotographers from around the world — both pro and amateur — to bring you a gallery of gorgeousness.
Take a look below at ten terrific landscapes, beachscapes and cityscapes captured on the iPhone — and edited with various iPhone apps — and let us know which pics caught your eye in the comments.