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Animation can be a very effective mechanism to convey information in visualization and user interface settings. However, integrating animated presentations into user interfaces has typically been a difficult task since, to date, there has been little or no explicit support for animation in window systems or user interface toolkits. This paper describes how the Artkit user interface toolkit has been extended with new animation support abstractions designed to overcome this problem.
bounce.js lets you create tasty CSS3 powered animations in no time.
The Polygon PlayStation 4 Review and Xbox One Review involved an unprecedented level of coordination between the editorial and product teams at Vox Media. The goal was to create a pair of extremely high touch features to highlight the talents of our writers and video team, while pushing the envelope on longform design.
There were a lot of lessons learned, but the final results speak for themselves.
CSS Conf May 2014
Some inspiration for effects applied to title headers of articles with a fullscreen image. The idea is to show some creative transition when continuing to the article body.
Create stories, games, and animations
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This page lists all CSS properties and indicates if and how they are animatable.
Роль правильно разработанных интерфейсов в успехе продукта всё возрастает — кажется, пользователи впервые начали столько задумываться о том, как именно они взаимодействуют с приложениями и сервисами. Последний пример — всеобщее восхищение новым приложением компании Facebook Paper, при использовании которого есть риск подхватить морскую болезнь, так там все динамично. По просьбе Look At Me дизайнер интерфейсов Дмитрий Чута разобрал несколько интерфейсных приёмов и объяснил их значение.
Using the words “animation” and “the web” together tends to conjure up memories of frantic searches for the “skip intro” button to save ourselves from a terrible sensory assault. Animation on the web has hit some pretty sad lows, there’s no arguing that. But adding motion to our work can be meaningful and functional—when we find the right circumstances.
JQuery parallax plugin
The chart above is an animated SVG featured on Sprout.
This chart, and one other animation on Sprout, were initially GIFs. By using animated SVGs instead of GIFs we were able to reduce our page size from 1.6 mb to 389 kb, and reduce our page load time from 8.75 s to 412 ms. That’s a huge difference.
Below, I’ll break down the animation of one of the circles seen in the chart. The technique applies to all of the elements in the graphic. With this you can create your own lightweight animated graphic.
I have always been fascinated by the overflow scrolling effects that appears when you’ve reached the end of a list on an iPhone and Android. A simple interface interaction like a bounce can magically make your app seems more responsive.
Today, I have decided to build a plugin that lets you add such effects to your website called FancyScroll.js. You can add the overflow effects to the whole page or any overflow:scroll divs on your website, customize the colors, the animation, or even the animation easing.
animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.
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Springfield Punx is a little pet project of mine. The idea of doing fan art parodying some of my favorite characters and stars in such a fun and simple style got me hooked immediately. Some of these guys and gals have appeared on the Simpsons and I could just work from that, but most I had to do from scratch. Check back often for new Punx!
Where forward thinking terrestrials share ideas and information about the state of the species, their planet and the universe, living the lives of science fiction. Conceived by Rene Daalder in collaboration with Internet designer Folkert Gorter, assisted
Проект КОМС.ру (Концептуально Отличающаяся Мультипликационная Система) – это некоммерческое объединение художников-аниматоров, предлага
You will find here trailers, TV Ads, Video Clips specially designed to work :
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Данный сайт посвящен анимационному ТВ-шоу "Family Guy", более известному в России как "Гриффины".