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Ever since attending last year’s Build Conference I’ve been using what I’ll call “The Modular Scale Method,” which is a technique I’ve found invaluable for building my designs from the content out.
We’ll talk about this method more in-depth in just a little while as we look briefly at a simple Cookbook application. But given that the modular scale concerns itself with typography—the most granular level of our content.
Antiphonal Geometry: harmony and proportion in responsive web design
A complete grid system for super fast wireframing and visual design.
Задача, которую решает модель CSS3 Grid Layout, очень проста и понятна любому веб-верстальщику (да и не только ему): предоставить удобный механизм расположения контента по виртуальной сетке.
A dynamic layout plugin for jQuery - the flip-side of CSS floats
A modular scale, like a musical scale, is a prearranged set of harmonious proportions.
A modular CSS framework for truly flexible, accessible and responsive websites
Dig responsive design? Hate fluid grids? Try a Frameless grid.
It is light (1kb), flexible, browser-friendly and easy to use!
In addition to the column widths, there are only two other classes defined: ‘column’ and ‘row’. The column class has a margin of 10 pixels applied to both the left and right edges, resulting in a cumulative 20 pixel gutter. Also note the ‘overflow: hidden’ attribute applied to both column and row. The real purpose of this technique is to clear floats, circumventing the need for a ‘clear: both’ declaration. Finally, we need to set the ‘display: inline’ property on ‘.column’ to prevent the double-margin bug in IE6.
Konstruktors is a collection of CSS snippets for constructing grid based layouts, columns, basic typography and navigation elements.
W3C offers a new way to arrange text “news-paper wise”, in columns. Multi-column layout is actually a module on its own. It allows a webdeveloper to let text be fitted into columns, in two ways: by defining a width for each column, or by defining a nu